by Elixxir
Elixxirville (July 30, 2024)-As far as Robert Ettinger (the deceased father of Cryonics), Ray Kurzweil (the 76 year old prophet of “Singularity,” Transhumanism’s answer to Christianity’s “Rapture”), and Aubrey de Grey (the recently disgraced promoter of SENS and other nonsense) are concerned, we live in the best of all possible worlds.
Since these latter-day Pollyannas believe this, of course they don’t see the crying need for any critique of the Industrial Capitalist system (The Death Society) that we live in. The System that has brought humanity to the edge of the abyss in the blink of an eye.
This is a damn good reason why we’re Immortalist but not Transhumanist or Cryonicist. And why we need a most trenchant and compelling immortalist critique.
Every viable or successful movement has its critique of the status quo. Except for the Transhumanists and the Cryonicists. And that’s why they have spawned no viable or successful movement, and will never do so.
The movements for Civil Rights, Feminism, Anti-Vietnam-war, Gay and even the reactionary Religious Right all have their critiques of the status quo. Black Americans didn’t like slavery, Jim Crow and segregation. Women didn’t like not having equal rights with men. The anti-Vietnam-war movement marched against a needless, unwinable war in Asia that was no threat to America but that was killing off its youths.
Unlike Transhumanists or Cryonicists, we Immortalists don’t believe we’re in the best of all possible worlds. Not with Disease, Old Age, and Death stalking us. Not with Global Warming, Climate Change, Biodiversity Collapse swirling around us. And not with a Second Cold War between the US, Russia, and China, seriously stoking the chances of a Third World War, this time nuclear.
We Immortalists, who are political and not utopian like Kurzweil, de Grey, and Ettinger, have a radical critique of the status quo that is Industrial Capitalism.
The best statement of the immortalist critique is found in The ImmorTalist Manifesto (2001) by Elixxir. A revised 2024 edition with trenchant and timely new material is soon to be published.
In contrast, you never hear Ray Kurzweil, Aubrey de Grey, or Robert Ettinger complain about the status quo of Industrial Capitalism. Their faith runneth over in Industrial Capitalism and its Technology.
Transhumanists and Cryonicists are Technopians (technological utopians). They believe that the solution to each and every problem is technology. And so Industrial Capitalism’s Big Tech and Hi Tech and every sort of Tech is just dandy! We, on the other hand, are Immortalists but not Technopians.
They are blind and mute to the fact that the lack of universal health care in the United States means tens of millions of Americans have no health insurance at all. And this is a brazen violation of their basic human right to health care under the UN Charter and under International Law.
This is why we are Immortalist but not Transhumanist and not Cryonicist. There are many more good reasons. Stay tuned.
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