by Elixxir Elixxirville (July 30, 2024)-As far as Robert Ettinger (the deceased father of Cryonics), Ray Kurzweil (the 76 year old prophet of “Singularity,” Transhumanism’s answer to Christianity’s “Rapture”), and Aubrey de Grey (the recently disgraced promoter of SENS and…
Category: Industrial Capitalism
No Critique of Industrial Capitalism from Ray Kurzweil & Transhumanism. Why?
Why do we need a trenchant, systematic Immortalist critique of Industrial Capitalism? And why has Ray Kurzweil and Transhumanism, Robert Ettinger and Cryonics, et al failed to come up with such a critique?
Immortality Will Change Nothing in Industrial Capitalism? Cryonics Founder Ettinger Thought So.
Robert Ettinger (deceased since 2011) was the founder of Cryonics–the faith that freezing our bodies after death will offer us the best shot at a future resurrection, of the physical sort, and in this life too. When we transform from…