If you were to listen to the apologists for Death which include Popes, Dalai Lamas and all the Death Society’s “bioethicists,” you would believe that if anyone is “ethical,” “moral,” or “spiritual,” it would never ever cross his or her…
The Immortalist Interpretation of History
History is the story of our quest for immortality. The Fear of Death and the Desire for Immortality are the primary motivations in mortal life and history. The goal of mortal history and civilization is the conquest of Death. The…
Are You a Closet ImmorTalist?
An ImmorTalist is someone who does not want to die. So anyone who’s fighting cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, pneumonia, AIDS, coronavirus, or Aging — the master disease syndrome, and who does not wish to die from it,…
A New Politics: ImmorTalist Politics
No more settling for crumbs from the Mortalist funding table. Let’s take over the table and sit at its head. No more squandering priceless Time trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. The Mortalist regimes and parties are…
Ray Kurzweil’s Climate-Change Denialism
by Elixxir July 27, 2020 Ray Kurzweil, the Transhumanist soothsayer and the prophet of “Singularity”, does not fret about little things like Global Warming and Climate Change. In 2008, Kurzweil prophesied that solar energy will provide for all of the…
Why Capitalism & Money Fail Us
Capitalism is, among other things, a way of immortality-seeking involving acquisition, expansion and accumulation. The insatiable and compulsive heart of Capitalism is a function of our Fear of Death and our Desire for Immortality. Our compulsion to acquire and accumulate…
Why Christianity Won Over Paganism
Early Christianity triumphed because if offered physical “eternal life” to believers. For those who are old, dying or dead, it promised the physical resurrection of the dead. Although this resurrection of the dead was considered crass and scandalous to the…
Health Care is Basic Human Right & U.S. is Longtime Violator
Ever heard of Article 25 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights? If you’re American, most likely not. If so, you’re not alone. most Americans have never heard of it. Most Americans have no clue that under the…
Aubrey de Grey’s Nonsense ‘Cure’ for Cancer
“WILT is clearly nonsense, and the main reason why so few scientists take him (Aubrey de Grey) seriously. This has nothing to do with disliking Aubrey or seeing him as a competitor or whatever. WILT is just sheer nonsense.” Who…
If 3,000 Deaths from 9/11 Justifies Iraq & Afghanistan. Then 1.3 Million Deaths Justifies what?
If trying to prevent the roughly 3,000 killed by 9/11 attacks from happening again justifies 3 trillion dollars for invading and occupying Iraq (and that’s not counting Afghanistan), then preventing 2.2 million U.S. deaths each year from heart disease, cancer,…