An ImmorTalist is someone who does not want to die. So anyone who’s fighting cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, pneumonia, AIDS, coronavirus, or Aging — the master disease syndrome, and who does not wish to die from it,…
Author: Elixxir Elixxir
A New Politics: ImmorTalist Politics
No more settling for crumbs from the Mortalist funding table. Let’s take over the table and sit at its head. No more squandering priceless Time trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. The Mortalist regimes and parties are…
Ray Kurzweil’s Climate-Change Denialism
by Elixxir July 27, 2020 Ray Kurzweil, the Transhumanist soothsayer and the prophet of “Singularity”, does not fret about little things like Global Warming and Climate Change. In 2008, Kurzweil prophesied that solar energy will provide for all of the…