Elixxirville–Dec 19, 2024–You’d think that “natural death” is our biggest threat. But with the specter of a thermonuclear World War III, unnatural death might well be our biggest threat. If you live in the United States or any of its NATO allies, when war breaks out with Russia or China, you’re highly likely to die an unnatural death, from unnatural causes.
What’s “natural death”? Just about anything. Death from heart attack, stroke, all types of cancer, diabetes, a fall from osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s. Death from Old Age. All of these are so-called “natural deaths.”
What’s “unnatural death”? For example, death from murder (homicide), suicide, war (serving as cannon fodder), defenestration (being thrown out the window with unwanted assistance) are all forms of unnatural death.
Thanks to Industrial Capitalism and its carbon emissions, we must add deaths from its Air and Environmental Pollution, deaths as a result of its Global Warming, Climate Change, and its Biodiversity Collapse as forms of “unnatural deaths.”
And this threat of unnatural death applies even to babies and ten year olds. They can die from asthma attacks due to air pollution. They can die from droughts, from floods, and from becoming radioactive as a result of their NATO country being nuked in an all-out war with Russia.
So the chances of dying an unnatural death are growing by the minute. And that’s not good as far as an immortalist is concerned. Or anyone who cares about their lives.
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