(April 17, 2024) Saul Kent, who died in May of 2023 at the age of 84, was probably the second most important person in Cryonics, the belief that freezing the body or head after death gives the hope of being…
AI-Driven U.S. Tech Stock Bubble Burst Today.
Immortalism.com–Jan. 28, 2025–The AI-driven US tech stock bubble burst today. It is no surprise as it is long overdue. But still a shock for NASDAQ and for high-flying companies like Nvidia whose stock plunged 17%, wiping out $593 billion in…
Unnatural Death Our Biggest Threat?
Elixxirville–Dec 19, 2024–You’d think that “natural death” is our biggest threat. But with the specter of a thermonuclear World War III, unnatural death might well be our biggest threat. If you live in the United States or any of its NATO…
Trump: ‘The Chosen’ for U.S. Demolition
Dec. 2, 2024 (Elixxirville)–The Christian fundamentalists (pardon, “evangelicals”) who turned out in overwhelming numbers to vote for Trump and without whom The Donald would be a surefire loser–these “born agains” believe (as they’ve been told by their pastors and prophets)…
Transhumanist Party is a Joke! Here’s the Proof.
by Elixxir Nov. 6, 2024, Elixxirville–Yes, there’s a desperate need for a viable Third Party in the United States, but it’s certainly not the U.S. Transhumanist Party! Founded in 2014, ten years ago, the U.S. Transhumanist Party apparently has not…
#1 Reason NOT to Vote for Trump
by Elixxir Nov. 5, 2024, 11:05 EST–The number one reason not to vote for Donald Trump: from 2016 to 2020, Trump’s four annual budget proposals to Congress each proposed severe and cruel cuts to the budgets of the National Institutes…
Fighting Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke or Old Age? By Cutting NIH Budget, US Congress & Biden Say Drop Dead!
Oct. 23, 2024–In its stop-gap measure passed at the last minute to prevent government shutdown and fund it for three more months, the US Congress has stealthly cut the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)–the crown jewels of…
Immortalist But Not Transhumanist or Cryonicist
by Elixxir Elixxirville (July 30, 2024)-As far as Robert Ettinger (the deceased father of Cryonics), Ray Kurzweil (the 76 year old prophet of “Singularity,” Transhumanism’s answer to Christianity’s “Rapture”), and Aubrey de Grey (the recently disgraced promoter of SENS and…
Elixxir Predicted Trump’s Conviction. Six Days Before It Happened.
by Elixxir On May 24, 2024, six days before there was a verdict on Donald Trump, the former U.S. president, who was being tried on 34 felony charges of falsification of business documents, Elixxir sent an email to his friends…
What if Breakthrough Cancer & Heart Disease Drugs Come from China?
Elixxirville May 29, 2024–If the breakthrough cancer and heart disease drugs come from China, would Washington under a Trump or Biden or Harris regime slap an obscenely high tariff on them? Or delay or refuse to approve them? Recently, President…
Recession or Depression Hits U.S. Economy Every 6 Years. Is US The Gold Standard for Capitalism?
Immortalism.com–July 3, 2023–Washington has long claimed the American economy is the gold standard for Capitalism; the template for how a capitalist economy should be run. But is it really? Let’s look at the facts. From the end of World War…